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Frequently Asked Questions

Doctor's Desk

What services do you offer?

We are here to help you find eating disorder treatment providers who practice evidence-based treatment. 

We support you through the referral process from start to finish. 


Which eating disorders do you provide resources for?

We provide resources for all eating disorders including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and OSFED (Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders) as well as for atypical eating disorders, such as ARFID and Rumination Syndrome. 


Do you provide funding for eating disorder treatment?

Unfortunately, at this time we can only provide guidance and referrals. We can help you navigate insurance coverage as well, when applicable. 


Where are you located?

Our headquarters and the majority of our resources are located in the US, however we are constantly updating our database with providers from around the world.


What kinds of referrals do you provide?

We provide referrals for doctors, psychiatrists, therapists and dietitians, as well as for inpatient and outpatient treatment centers.


Which levels of care do you provide referrals for? 

We advocate for outpatient treatment whenever possible, but we are in constant contact with treatment centers that provide higher levels of care and we will provide referrals to one of them when necessary. 


I’m looking for help for myself/my child/a relative who is struggling with an eating disorder and don’t know where to start. What should I do?

We are here to help! Fill out our form here or call us today. We provide guidance and referrals for anyone who may be struggling, regardless of age or gender. 


I am a provider or a treatment center that provides evidence-based treatment for eating disorders. I would like to be added to your database. How can I contact you to find out more?

Call us or fill out our form here


I'd love to partner with you and hear more about different ways that I can help make treatment accessible for everyone. How do I go about doing that?

We're always brainstorming new ways to make treatment accessible for everyone and there are always opportunities to help us make an impact. You are welcome to donate here or call us to hear more details about how you can partner with us to make a lasting impact. 

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